Info Terbaru Lowongan Kerja Shopee Terbaru 2025. Kami menemukan sebanyak 32 Lowongan Kerja Shopee Terbaru 2025 yang menanti kerja dan semangat Anda persembahan dari Loker Indonesia Terbaru. Temukan dan raih segera karir impian Anda di bidang Rekrutmen shopee yang tersedia disini.
Department Operations LevelExperienced (Individual Contributor) LocationIndonesia - Jakarta The Operation teams at Shopee covers the operational end-to-end process, from when the buyer searches for a
Adm. Marketing (Shopee) Benefit : Lolos internship (training) diangkat karyawan tetap Gaji menarik (sesuai pengalaman dan keahlian) Training gratis untuk kandidat yang diterima Pria/wanita Umur
GABUNG MITRA KURIR SHOPEE EXPRESS Persyaratan sbb. - Memiliki Kendaraan Pribadi Motor - Maksimal Usia 40 Tahun. - Memiliki SIM C - Pendidikan terakhir SMA
Department Operations LevelExperienced (Individual Contributor) LocationIndonesia - Yogyakarta The Operation teams at Shopee covers the operational end-to-end process, from when the buyer searches for a
Department Operations LevelExperienced (Team Lead) LocationIndonesia - Yogyakarta The Operation teams at Shopee covers the operational end-to-end process, from when the buyer searches for a
Department Engineering and Technology LevelInternship LocationIndonesia - Yogyakarta The Engineering and Technology team is at the core of the Shopee platform development. The team is
Department Operations LevelExperienced (Team Lead) LocationIndonesia - Yogyakarta The Operation teams at Shopee covers the operational end-to-end process, from when the buyer searches for a
NEED SALES AKUISIS SHOPEE Produk : AKUISISI MERCHANT Area : BATAM BENEFIT : - UMK 2024 /Bulan - Insentif by. Achivment /Bulan - Bpjs kesehatan
NEED SALES AKUISIS SHOPEE Produk : AKUISISI MERCHANT Area : PONTIANAK BENEFIT : - UMK 2024 /Bulan - Insentif by. Achivment /Bulan - Bpjs kesehatan
Department Operations LevelExperienced (Individual Contributor) LocationIndonesia - Solo The Operation teams at Shopee covers the operational end-to-end process, from when the buyer searches for a