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Lowongan Kerja Education Coordinator Gorontalo Kompas Gramedia Terbaru April 2025

Posisi Loker Education Coordinator Gorontalo
Tanggal 5 Juni 2024
Perusahaan Kompas Gramedia
Kota Gorontalo | No | ID
Tipe Kerja Full Time

Lowongan Kerja Education Coordinator Gorontalo Kompas Gramedia. Kompas Gramedia sedang memerlukan calon karyawan untuk mengisi posisi sebagai Education Coordinator Gorontalo. Kompas Gramedia memberikan persyaratan, ketentuan dan spesifikasi pekerjaan sebagai Education Coordinator Gorontalo yang akan ditempatkan di Gorontalo.

Loker Education Coordinator Gorontalo Kompas Gramedia Gorontalo Juni 2024

Berikut ini adalah persyaratan yang harus penuhi untuk mendaftar Education Coordinator Gorontalo Kompas Gramedia Gorontalo yang dibuka pada 5 Juni 2024 ini:

We are a growing startup in Fleet Telematics industry, based in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya with holding company in Singapore, currently seeking a Sales Executive, who will be responsible for expanding and driving revenue growth. This candidate will be responsible for prospecting and closing sales, tracking channel sales activity, and providing sales projections located in Indonesia (Medan, Padang, Pekanbaru, Jakarta, Bandung, Makassar, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Morowali).

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Prospect into assigned or discovered leads and conduct aggressive selling efforts
  • Facilitate new processes, tools, communications, training and methodologies to ensure sales program's success across teams and departments throughout the company
  • Serve with other departments to facilitate relationships in order to achieve the organization's goals and objectives
  • Participate in client interactions to ensure cross-training, customer satisfaction and management involvement regularly
  • Ensure reporting and communications are frequent and bi-directional
  • Prospect, educate and qualify leads to create sales-ready opportunities
  • Own outbound sales activity targeting new clients within the assigned channel while taking on new channels and opportunities as needed
  • Leverage client referrals, associations and networking
  • Qualify new business opportunities to set web-based meetings and sales presentations for review of company products and services to close opportunities
  • Manage the full sales cycle, with a focus on building and maintaining an accurate pipeline
  • Follow the established company systems pre-sales process and consistently use Salesforce to document prospect interaction, ensuring efficient lead management and account management
  • Prioritize opportunities and coordinate with internal resources to provide the best customer experience
  • Requirements and Qualifications
  • A Bachelor's Degree in Business or Technical discipline or equivalent experience in a related field
  • 3+ years of relevant work experience
  • Bilingual in English is a plus
  • Working knowledge of the most current technologies and products used in the industry
  • Strong sales experience and phone etiquette required
  • Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Experience with business R.O.I. and operating expense management
  • Resourcefulness in problem solving with the ability to respond with a sense of urgency
  • Excellent interpersonal and team skills
  • 3+ years of quota carrying sales experience in a high activity B2B sales environment
  • Ability to establish rapport with multiple levels of decision makers
  • Prior B2B SaaS experience is preferred, but not required
  • Have own laptop and vehicle

Job Type: Full-time

Pay: Rp300,000,000 - Rp500,000,000 per month


  • S1 (Preferred)


  • Sales: 3 years (Required)

Jika sahabat tertarik melamar jabatan Education Coordinator Gorontalo Kompas Gramedia Gorontalo, segera siapkan berkas lamaran dan dokumen yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi formasi tersebut. Jika Kalian memenuhi kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan, jangan ragu untuk segera mengirimkan lamaran Kalian. Tunjukkan bakat dan kemampuan Kalian, dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk berkarier di perusahaan tersebut. Untuk mengirim aplikasi via online, silakan klik tombol "Kirim Lamaran" di bawah ini. Semoga berhasil!

Bagikan informasi ini kepada teman-teman Anda yang mungkin juga sedang mencari pekerjaan. Siapa tahu ada yang membutuhkan.

Itulah info tentang Penerimaan Education Coordinator Gorontalo Kompas Gramedia Gorontalo yang dapat admin sampaikan. Jika Info lowongan kerja di atas tidak sesuai dengan keinginan Anda, tidak ada salahnya untuk membaca info lowongan kerja lainnya di bawah ini.

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