Lowongan Kerja Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat World Vision Perú Pontianak Terbaru April 2025
Lowongan Kerja Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat World Vision Perú Pontianak Terbaru April 2025
Posisi Loker
Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat
19 Februari 2025
World Vision Perú
Pontianak | No | ID
Tipe Kerja
Full Time
Loker Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat World Vision Perú. World Vision Perú kembali mencari kandidat untuk mengisi posisi sebagai Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat. World Vision Perú menentukan persyaratan, ketentuan dan spesifikasi pekerjaan sebagai Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat yang akan ditempatkan di Pontianak.
Loker Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat World Vision Perú Pontianak Februari 2025
Berikut ini adalah ketentuan yang harus kalian penuhi untuk mengisi Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat World Vision Perú Pontianak yang dibuka pada 19 Februari 2025 ini:
Wahana Visi Indonesia is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to work and collaborate to empower the most vulnerable children, family and community through community development, advocacy, and emergency response for sustainable transformation regardless of religion, race, ethnic or gender. Since 1998, Wahana Visi Indonesia has carried out various community development programs focusing on children. Hundred thousands of children in Indonesia have been benefited from WVI’s accompaniment program. Wahana Visi Indonesia is a trusted partner of World Vision International. Key Responsibilities: This position is responsible for accurate financial bookkeeping and providing quality technical support in implementing zonal financial processes and ensuring their alignment with financial policies and standards. The role includes responsibility for providing services for the financial system and ensuring accountability particularly with tax regulations. It also includes providing financial reports and handling financial transactions via internet banking at the zonal level. During emergencies, this position may support the daily financial processes to deliver rapid and effective responses, while maintaining accountability. Strategy Development & Planning
Provide input on related resources needed, especially financial data in level zone, for the development of the Project Design, Annual Operating Plan and project budget.
Provide technical support for by preparing quality financial reports (forecast/funding analyst) so they can be used for strategic decision-making in Project implementation.
Managing effective daily relationships and networks with various stakeholders, as negotiated with the Area Program (AP)/Project Manager.
Support the process for close-out at end of funding or project cycle in compliance with donor regulations and manuals.
Capacity Building/ Technical works
Conduct capacity building for community groups including local partners, in simple bookkeeping, financial management, and feasibility studies as needed.
Conduct the latest updates and refresher on tax regulations for all staff zonal, AP/cluster, and project.
Accountability & Quality Assurance
Prepare daily vouchers & codes and data import related (including transactions from Concur).
Responsible and conduct the Watchdog utilisation (if necessary) and Blocked Party Screening (BPS) compliance in every project including partners and partners’ suppliers.
Review receipt and ensure that all transaction invoices are original with complete supporting documents to ensure that they meet established standard.
Review advance request, settlement advance, and reimbursement from AP staff according to finance manual and applicable Limit of Authority (LoA) and are reviewed within 24 hours during office hours.
Responsible as “invoice creator” and “central receiver” in ProVision process, ensuring that communication with the Shared Service Center (SSC) is followed up on in a timely and accurately specifically for zonal transactions.
Responsible for Control Account process in the ProVision.
Protect all organizational assets through the meticulous documentation, monitoring, and insurance of assets as necessary. Regularly update fixed asset register (including the maintenance of fixed asset numbers, labels, and other relevant details), and prepare fixed asset report for zonal office.
Compile and analyse financial data and trends to prepare comprehensive financial reports.
Provide technical support to follow-up audit/expenditures verification requests and findings.
Responsible for the accurate organization and proper filing of all financial documents.
Prepare taxable transactions to comply with government regulations and provideadvice andsolutions to staff and management.
Follow up on the consultant’s tax report.
Ensure all documents for tax payment comply with tax regulations.
Provide internet banking services to all AP.
Upload project funding requests and funding payments to OneDrive.
Ensure the completeness of documents to be paid, including updating zonal/vendor account data.
Receive cash from donations, refund advances, sale of assets, etc, and deposit it to the bank.
Prepare payment to Kas Negara (zonal Kalbar only).
Prepare and analyze monthly and annual tax reports for the Government. (zonal Kalbar only).
Manage outsourced services, including reviewing performance and handling all matters related to office management, including vehicles (only Papua).
Management & Leadership
Grow in Christian faith and support to enrich the organization's life, faith, Christian commitments, and ministry to the disadvantaged children and communities we seek to serve.
Build and maintain positive spirit of working in team with other staff in respective zonal, unit, and department.
Be a role model and inspiration in managing work, communication and relationship with internal staff and external parties.
Manage all risks related to contractual and project management according to organization policies, guidelines, and standard. This includes risks in fraud, safeguarding, and other related risks.
Model accountability, integrity and faithfulness, demonstrating that We are Stewards and We are Partners.
Complete all other tasks required by the supervisor to effectively assist the zone/cluster in financial and procurement services.Bachelor's degree in accounting/finance and/or has course certificate in accounting/finance and/or has required professional experience.
At least 1 year experience in financial management, accounting or auditing, preferably gained in humanitarian sector.
Qualifications :
Professional Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia and English
Ability to travel within zonal.
Excellent working knowledge of GAAP.
Good working knowledge of computerized accounting system.
Knowledge of donor project regulations and reporting requirements preferred.
Ability to solve complex problems and to exercise independent judgement.
Willingness to do extra miles to perform any other tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
ONLY a shortlist of applicants will be contacted. WVI implements a Safeguarding Policy as a form of our commitment to protect children and adult beneficiaries. WVI has zero tolerance towards incidents of violence or abuse against children or adults, including sexual exploitation or abuse, committed either by employees or others affiliated with WVI work and WVI also participates in the Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response (SCHR) Inter-Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme (MDS). Applicant Types Accepted:
Jika sahabat tertarik mendaftar formasi Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat World Vision Perú Pontianak, segera siapkan persyaratan dan dokumen yang dibutuhkan untuk melamar jabatan tersebut. Jika Kamu memenuhi kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan, jangan ragu untuk segera mengirimkan lamaran Kamu. Tunjukkan bakat dan kemampuan Anda, dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk berkarier di perusahaan tersebut. Untuk mengirim lamaran secara online, silakan klik tombol "Kirim Lamaran" di bawah ini. Semoga berhasil!
Bagikan informasi ini kepada teman-teman Kamu yang mungkin juga sedang mencari pekerjaan. Siapa tahu ada yang membutuhkan.
Demikian kabar tentang Rekrutmen Zone Finance Asisstant - Kalimantan Barat World Vision Perú Pontianak yang dapat admin sampaikan. Jika Info lowongan kerja di atas tidak pas dengan pendidikan Anda, tidak ada salahnya untuk membaca informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di bawah ini.
Kirim Lamaran Anda
Kirim lamaran Anda melalui link di bawah ini:
Jangan lupa like fanpage kami untuk mendapatkan update informasi lowongan kerja terbaru
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