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Lowongan Kerja Instrumentation Officer Smart Agribusiness And Food Dumai Terbaru April 2025

Posisi Loker Instrumentation Officer
Tanggal 21 Mei 2024
Perusahaan SMART Agribusiness and Food
Kota Dumai | No | ID
Tipe Kerja Full Time

Lowongan Kerja Instrumentation Officer SMART Agribusiness and Food. SMART Agribusiness and Food sedang membutuhkan pegawai untuk mengisi posisi sebagai Instrumentation Officer. SMART Agribusiness and Food memberikan persyaratan, ketentuan dan spesifikasi pekerjaan sebagai Instrumentation Officer yang akan ditempatkan di Dumai.

Penerimaan Instrumentation Officer SMART Agribusiness and Food Dumai Mei 2024

Berikut ini adalah ketentuan yang harus Anda penuhi untuk mengajukan lamaran Instrumentation Officer SMART Agribusiness and Food Dumai yang dibuka pada bulan Mei 2024 ini:

General Responsibilities : 1. Responsible for the implementation of verification and calibration on all instrument equipment related to ISO 9001: 2008 & Food Safety scattered throughout the company area and buy identification label for internal calibration 2. Responsible for the accuracy of the test equipment / inspection after the calibration process and applying the ISO documentation. 3. Perform analysis and corrective action if a deviation is found on a calibrated device (internal) and advise on replacement if it can not be repaired. 4. Controlling the implementation of calibration process both internal and external, and monitor the calibration process schedule. 5. Create a schedule and specify the tools to be calibrated and will be poured in the Calibration master list and schedule. 6. Responsible for making daily or monthly reports in terms of execution of tasks and the use of spare parts. 7. Responsible in maintaining and keeping the rules of the company and its obligations can be executed with full awareness in line with the rights received by subordinates, safeguarding and keeping the work discipline executed with full awareness 8. Responsible for maintaining and preserving all work and workplace hygiene workplace environment. 9. Carry out other tasks in connection with the job duties as instructed by his superiors 10. Responsible for achieving KPI masng respectively 11. Run Safety regulator in accordance with applicable policy 12. Responsible in maintaining and keeping the Company's rules and obligations executed with full awareness in line with the right received by subordinates. 13. Prepare all required reports to be stored and storage archives for electronics and instrumentation. 14. Carefully supervise and control all pending work. 15. Active in analyzing and repairing damage and abnormalities of the equipment and must be ready seawap when the team and its equipment to act immediately on emergency calls and report to their superiors. 16. Review / evaluate and update records of electrical equipment and instruments to determine the possible increase and replacement of the required part on time. 17. Assist and recommend measurements and calculations in abnormal conditions on instrumental equipment used and process / plant. 18. Coordinate well with other officers for smooth and safety in the completion of a job. 19. Determine priorities and supervise work in progress to ensure that all work remains within a high standard. 20. Ensure good discipline is maintained at all times. 21. Maintain cleanliness, neatness and safety of work areas to promote better working conditions between groups. 22. Attend Supervisory, technical and related training as instructed. 23. Quick response to breakdown equipment, prepare root cause analysis problems and make corrections and precautions needed to solve problems and report to your boss. 24. Control and be responsible for all poses maintenance (repair) in accordance with SOP. 25. Internal training for technicians yana be subordinate. 26. Oversee and order the foreman and technicians to do their work. 27. Reporting problems that occur, related to Food / Feed Safety Management System (if any) to Food / Feed Safety Coordinator. 28. Doing work by applying company values (Integrity, positive behavior, commitment, continuous improvement, Innovation and loyal).

Jika kamu tertarik mengisi posisi Instrumentation Officer SMART Agribusiness and Food Dumai, segera siapkan berkas lamaran dan dokumen yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi formasi tersebut. Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan, jangan ragu untuk segera mengirimkan aplikasi Kalian. Tunjukkan bakat dan kemampuan Anda, dan dapatkan kesempatan untuk berkarier di perusahaan tersebut. Untuk mengirim aplikasi secara online, silakan klik tombol "Kirim Lamaran" di bawah ini. Semoga berhasil!

Bagikan informasi ini kepada teman-teman Anda yang mungkin juga sedang mencari pekerjaan. Siapa tahu ada yang membutuhkan.

Itulah informasi tentang Loker Instrumentation Officer SMART Agribusiness and Food Dumai yang dapat kami sampaikan. Jikalau Info lowongan kerja di atas tidak sesuai dengan ijazah Anda, tidak ada salahnya untuk membaca info lowongan kerja lainnya berikut ini.

Lowongan Kerja Lainnya :

  Lowongan Kerja Asisten Apoteker

Dibuka : 25 Oktober 2024 | Company : Rumah Sakit Graha Yasmine Dumai | Lokasi : Dumai

Asisten Apoteker Usia Max 35 Tahun IPK Min 3.00 Memiliki STR Aktif Pengalaman Kerja Min 1 Tahun di RS Bersedia Bekerja dengan Tim Jujur, Pekerja

  Lowongan Kerja Security

Dibuka : 25 Oktober 2024 | Company : Rumah Sakit Graha Yasmine Dumai | Lokasi : Dumai

Security Usia Max 35 Tahun Pengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun Bersedia Bekerja dengan Tim Jujur, Pekerja Keras & Ramah Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani Berpenampilan Menarik Surat

  Lowongan Kerja Apoteker

Dibuka : 25 Oktober 2024 | Company : Rumah Sakit Graha Yasmine Dumai | Lokasi : Dumai

Apoteker Usia Max 35 Tahun IPK Min 3.00 Memiliki STRA Aktif Pengalaman Kerja Min 1 Tahun di RS Bersedia Bekerja dengan Tim Jujur, Pekerja Keras

  Lowongan Kerja Marketing

Dibuka : 25 Oktober 2024 | Company : Rumah Sakit Graha Yasmine Dumai | Lokasi : Dumai

Marketing Usia Max 35 Tahun IPK Min 3.00 Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan Tidak mudah putus asa Cepat tanggap Pengalaman Kerja Min 1 Tahun Bersedia

  Lowongan Kerja Maintenance

Dibuka : 25 Oktober 2024 | Company : Rumah Sakit Graha Yasmine Dumai | Lokasi : Dumai

Maintenance Usia Max 35 Tahun Pengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun/Freshgraduate Silankan Melamar Bersedia Bekerja dengan Tim Jujur, Pekerja Keras & Ramah Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani Berpenampilan

  Lowongan Kerja Perawat

Dibuka : 25 Oktober 2024 | Company : Rumah Sakit Graha Yasmine Dumai | Lokasi : Dumai

Perawat Usia Max 35 Tahun IPK min 3.00 Memiliki STRA aktif Pengalaman kerja Minimal 1 Tahun di RS Bersedia Bekerja dengan Tim Jujur, Pekerja Keras

  Lowongan Kerja Radiografer

Dibuka : 25 Oktober 2024 | Company : Rumah Sakit Graha Yasmine Dumai | Lokasi : Dumai

Radiografer Usia Max 35 Tahun IPK min 3.00 Memiliki STRA aktif Pengalaman kerja Minimal 1 Tahun di RS Bersedia Bekerja dengan Tim Jujur, Pekerja Keras


Dibuka : 11 September 2024 | Company : PT SWAKARYA INSAN MANDIRI SPESIALIS FINANCE | Lokasi : Dumai

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